Christ- it is obvious that His mission was to bring His Kingdom with Him. Throughout the discourse of His teachings, He “drops” keys to the Kingdom for us to discover. I am presenting a list of some I have found in the scriptures – not in any particular order.
*Surrendering to who HE says I am is the key to victory in life.
*Identity empowers me in authority.
* Grace is a steady current of supernatural power.
* Everything hangs on prayer and the Word by the action of the Holy Spirit.
*Jesus our HORN of salvation is the force used to push and scatter enemies, and is a symbol of the Lord’s multifaceted powers.
* Praise is the antidote to pity.
* Sin against love is the worst sin.
*The Word and worship are the keys to building faith.
* My words have great power, can travel at great speed, and can affect great change – be wise in how I use them.
*When praying, wait for God to take a hold of it and produce life from it.
* To abide with God, I must become more like Him. He will visit anywhere, but only abide in certain places.
* The closer I get to God, the more joy there is available. Ps 16
* What I focus on is what I make room for.
* God always interrupts darkness with light.
* Waiting on God may have a delay, but never a disappointment.
* Worship is the way to host the Presence of God.
* The highest level of power and maturity is obtained by utter dependence upon the Almighty.
* The strategy for eliminating all fear is to magnify the Lord – enlarge Him in my view.
* I activate what I can see – Quantum physics.
* The cross provides legal righteousness and relational repair – desire both.
* Heed the stewardship of thy mouth for victory in life.
* Warnings that are not undergirded with hope are not God.
* Prioritize my life on earth according to the will of God in heaven.
* Sin is serious because it violates a treasured relationship.
* We activate what we magnify – it becomes our reality.
* We go THROUGH all things IN Christ because He went THROUGH birth, death, resurrection, and ascension to the throne in our place to create a KINGDOM PLACE in Him.
*The love of God is unconditional, but reverence and obedience are requirements for receiving the blessings of God.
* The Kingdom of God in us replaces the world’s OS, and uses an entirely new operating system.
* In the Kingdom of God, decrees are designed by what God says – not circumstances.
* God owns the past, and to me it is legally inaccessible because the Blood covers it.
* Praying in the Spirit keeps us in the love of God. Jude 20-21
* We serve Jesus under life and not under law.
* Because we are in Christ, all the promises of the Kingdom are deeded to us.
* The heart and the mouth are the 2 most important items in the Kingdom.
A BranchIsaiah 11:1, Jeremiah 23:5, 33:1
A Chief CornerstoneIsaiah 28:16
A Consuming FireDeuteronomy 4:24, Hebrews 12:29
A Covert from the tempestIsaiah 32:2
A Father to IsraelJeremiah 31:9
A God Who hides HimselfIsaiah 45:15
A GovernorMatthew 2:6
A Great High PriestHebrews 4:14, 10:21
A Holy GodLeviticus 20:26
A jealous GodExodus 34:14, Deuteronomy 5:9, Joshua 24:19
A Just God and a SaviorIsaiah 45:21
A Hiding place from the windIsaiah 32:2
A High Priest of good things to comeHebrews 9:11
A High Priest over the House of GodHebrews 10:21
A Judge of the widowsPsalm 68:5
A Light to lighten the GentilesLuke 2:32, Isaiah 42:6
A living stone1 Peter 2:4
A man of sorrows and acquainted with griefIsaiah 53:3
A man of warExodus 15:3
A merciful and faithful high priestHebrews 2:17
A merciful GodDeuteronomy 4:31
A Mighty, Terrible OneJeremiah 20:11
A minister of the sanctuary and the true tabernacleHebrews 8:2
A nail in a sure placeEzra 9:8
A Place of broad rivers and streamsIsaiah 33:21
A plant of renownEzekiel 34:29
A Priest upon His throneZechariah 6:13
A Prince and a Savior Acts 5:31
A rewarder of them that diligently seek HimHebrews 11:6
A rock of offense to the unbelieverIsaiah 8:14, 1 Peter 2:8
A rod out of the stem of JesseIsaiah 11:1
A SanctuaryEzekiel 11:16
A ScepterPsalm 45:6, Numbers 24:17, Hebrews 1:8
A shadow from the heatIsaiah 25:4
A shelter for mePsalm 61:3
A Son over His own house (Church)Hebrews 3:6
A Star out of JacobNumbers 24:17
A Stone of stumbling1 Peter 2:8, Isaiah 8:14, Romans 9:33
A Strength to the needy in distressIsaiah 25:4
A Strength to the poorIsaiah 25:4
A strong LORDPsalm 24:8
A strong tower from the enemyPsalm 61:3
A sun and shieldPsalm 84:11
A sure foundationIsaiah 33:6
A Tried StoneIsaiah 28:16-17
A very present help in troublePsalm 46:1
A /witness to us (Holy Spirit)Romans 8:16
Abba, FatherRomans 8:15
Advocate with the Father1 John 2:1
Almighty GodGenesis 17:11, 28:3, 35:11
Alpha and OmegaRevelation 1:8, 21:6, 22:13
Ancient of DaysDaniel 7:9, 13, 22
Apostle and High Priest of our professionHebrews 3:1
Author and Finisher of our faithHebrews 12:2
Author of eternal salvationHebrews 5:9
Author of peace1 Corinthians 14:33
Beginning of the Creation of GodJohn 1:1-3
Blessed and only Potentate1 Timothy 6:15
Bread of GodJohn 6: 32-33
Bread of LifeJohn 6:35
Bright and Morning StarRevelation 22:16
Buckler to all those that trust in HimPsalm 91:4
Buckler to them that walk uprightlyProverbs 2:7
Captain of their salvationHebrews 2:10
Christ in you, the Hope of GloryColossians 1:27
Christ the King of IsraelJohn 1:49, 12:13, 19:19
Christ the Power of God, and the Wisdom of God1 Corinthians 1:24
Confidence of all the ends of the earthPsalm 65:5
Consolation of IsraelLuke 2:25
CounselorIsaiah 9:6
Covenant of the peopleIsaiah 42:6
Creator of the ends of the earthIsaiah 40:28
Dayspring from on highLuke 1:78
Desire of all nationsHaggai 2:7
Everlasting FatherIsaiah 9:6
Everlasting God1 Chronicles 16:36
Everlasting KingJeremiah 10:10
Faithful and TrueRevelation 19:11
Faithful Creator1 Peter 4:19
Faithful WitnessRevelation 1:5, 3:14
Father of gloryEphesians 1:17
Father of lightsJames 1:17
Father of Mercies2 Corinthians 1:3
Father of our Lord Jesus ChristRom 15:6, 2Cor 1:3, Eph 1:3, Col 1:3, 1 Peter 1:3
Father of SpiritsHebrews 12:9
Father to the fatherlessPsalm 68:5
First-begotten of the deadRevelation 1:5
Firstborn among many brethrenRomans 8:29
Firstborn of every creatureColossians 1:15
Former of all thingsJeremiah 10:16, 51:19
Fountain of Living WatersJeremiah 2:13
Glory of their strengthPsalm 89:17
Glory of thy people IsraelLuke 2:32
God AlmightyPsalm 89:8
God aloneMark 2:7,Luke 5:21
God and Father of allEphesians 4:6
God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ2 Corinthians 1:3
God full of compassionPsalm 116:5
God most highGenesis 14:19,22
God my makerJob 35:10
God of AbrahamMark 12:26, Matthew 22:32
God of Abraham, and of Isaac, and of Jacob1 Kings 18:36, Exodus 3:16, 4:5
God of all comfort2 Corinthians 1:3
God of all fleshJeremiah 32:27
God of all grace1 Peter 5:10
God of all the families of IsraelJeremiah 31:1
God of gloryActs 7:2, Psalm 29:3
God of godsDaniel 2:47, Deuteronomy 10:17
God of heavenEzra 1:2
God of heaven and earthEzra 5:11
God of hopeRomans 15:13
God of IsraelIsaiah 37:16, 1Kings 8:23
God of JacobPsalm 146:5, Isaiah 2:3
God of Jeshurun ("upright")Deuteronomy 33:26
God of knowledge1 Samuel 2:3
God of love and peace2 Corinthians 13:11
God of my lifePsalm 42:8
God of my mercyPsalm 59:10
God of my praisePsalm 109:1
God of my righteousnessPsalm 4:1
God of my rock2 Samuel 22:3
God of our salvation1Chronicles 16:35, Psalm 79:9, 85:4
God of patience and consolationRomans 15:5
God of peaceRomans 16:20, Hebrews 13:20-21, 1Thessalonians 5:23
God of the armies of Israel1 Samuel 17:45
God of the livingMatthew 22:32, Mark 20:38, Luke 20:38
God of the spirits of all fleshNumbers 6:22, 27:16
God of the whole earthIsaiah 54:5
God of thy fathersDeuteronomy 1:21, 6:3, 12:1, 27:3
God of truth and without iniquityDeuteronomy 32:4
God only wiseRomans 16:27
God our SaviorPsalm 68:19, Jude 1:25
God our shieldPsalm 84:9,11
God ready to pardonNehemiah 9:17
God that answers by fire1 Kings 18:24
God that cannot lieTitus 1:2
God that comforts those who are cast down2 Corinthians 7:6
God that doest wondersPsalm 77:14
God that formed theeDeuteronomy 32:18
God that gives to all men liberallyJames 1:5
God that judges in the earth Psalm 58:10-11
God that made the world and all things thereinActs 17:24
God that performs all things for mePsalm 57:2
God that shows mercyRomans 9:16
God, the Father1 Corinthians 8:6
God the judge of allHebrews 12:23
God the LORDPsalm 50:1, Joshua 22:22, Habbakuk 3:19
God who always causes us to triumph in Christ2 Corinthians 2:14
God which doeth great things and unsearchableJob 5:9, 9:10, Deuteronomy 33:26
God who fed me all my life long to this dayGenesis 48:15
God who gives us the victory through Jesus Christ1 Corinthians 15:57
God who has not turned away my prayerPsalm 66:20
God who raises the dead2 Corinthians 1:9
God who tries our hearts1 Thessalonians 2:4
God's righteous servant (Jesus)Revelation 15:3
Governer among the nationsPsalm 22:28
Gracious and merciful GodNehemiah 9:17, Jonah 4:2
Great King above all godsPsalm 95:3
Great King over all the earthPsalm 47:2
Great Shepherd of the sheepHebrews 13:20
Guide of my youthJeremiah 3:4
Habitation of justiceJeremiah 31:23, 50:7
He in whom I trustPsalm 91:2
He that abides of oldPsalm 55:19
He that built all thingsHebrews 3:4
He that by wisdom made the heavensPsalm 136:5
He that called you into the grace of ChristGalatians 1:6
He that calls you1 Thessalonians 5:24
He that comes from aboveJohn 3:31
He that comes from heavenJohn 3:31
He that comes in the name of the LordMatthew 23:39
He that comforts youIsaiah 51:12
He that creates the windAmos 4:13
He that declares unto man what is his thoughtAmos 4:13
He that does speakIsaiah 52:6
He that endured such contradiction of sinnersHebrews 12:3
He that fills all in allEphesians 1:23
He that formed thee from the wombIsaiah 44:24
He that forms the mountainsAmos 4:13
He that gives breath unto the peopleIsaiah 42:5
He that gives strength and power to His peoplePsalm 68:35
He that has called us to His glory and virtue2 Peter 1:3
He that has mercy on themIsaiah 49:10
He that has the key of DavidRevelation 3:7
He that has the seven Spirits of GodRevelation 3:1
He that holds the 7 stars in His right handRevelation 2:1
He that is able to do exceedingly, abundantly aboveEphesians 3:20-21
He that is able to keep you from fallingJude 1:24
He that is able to present me before His gloryJude 1:25
He that is from the beginning1 John 1:1
He that is higher than the highestEcclesiastes 5:8
He that is holyRevelation 3:7
He that is mightyLuke 1:49
He that is of power to establish meRomans 16:25
He that is trueRevelation 3:7
He that judges me1 Corinthians 4:4
He that judges righteously1 Peter 2:23
He that keeps IsraelPsalm 121:4
He that keeps mePsalm 121:3
He that keeps my soulProverbs 24:12
He that lives and was deadRevelation 1:18
He that lives forever and everRevelation 10:6
He that loved us1 John 4:10
He that makes the morning darknessAmos 4:13
He that makes the seven stars and OrionAmos 5:8
He that made great lightsPsalm 136:7
He that ministers to me in the SpiritGalatians 3:5
He that opens and no mans shutsRevelation 3:7
He that ought to be fearedPsalm76:11
He that ponders the heartProverbs 21:2
He that raised Jesus from the deadRomans 8:11
He that reveals secretsDaniel 2:29
He that rides upon the heavensPsalm 68:4, 33
He that sanctifiesHebrews 2:11
He that searches the heartsRomans 8:27-29
He that sees meGenesis 16:13
He that shall comeHebrews 10:37
He that shall have dominionPsalm72:8
He that sits in the heavensPsalm 2:4
He that sits upon the circle of the earthIsaiah 40:22
He that sits upon the throneRevelation 7:10, 21:5
He that smote Egypt in their firstbornPsalm 135:8, 136:10
He that spared not His own SonRomans 8:32
He that speaks from HeavenHebrews 12:25
He that strenthens the spoiled against the strongAmos 5:9
He that stretched out the earth above the watersPsalm 136:6
He that took me out of the wombPsalm 22:9
He that treads upon the high places of the earthAmos 4:13
He that turns the shadow of death into the morningAmos 5:8
He that washed us from our sinsRevelation 1:5
He that works miracles among youGalatians 3:5
He who baptizes with the Holy GhostJohn 1:33
He who divided the Red Sea into partsPsalm 136:13
He who gives life unto the worldJohn 6:33
He who has anointed us2 Corinthians 1:21
He who has the sharp sword with 2 edgesRevelation 2:12
He who is, who was, and who is to comeRevelation 1:4
He who is perfect in knowledgeJob 36:4
He who led his people through the wildernessPsalm 136:16
He who searches the reins and the heartsRevelation 2:23
He who smote great kingsPsalm 135:10, 136:17
He who establishes us with you in Christ2 Corinthians 1:21
He ordained of God to be the judge of living & deadActs 10:42
He who alone does great wondersPsalm 136:4
He who has builded the houseHebrews 3:3
He who has called you out of darkness1 Peter 2:9
He walks in the midst of the 7 golden candlesticksRevelation 2:1
He works all things after the counsel of His willEphesians1:11
He whom God has sentJohn 3:34
He with whom we have to doHebrews 4:13
Head of the Body (Church)Colossians 1:18
Health of my countenancePsalm 43:5
Heir of all thingsHebrews 1:2
Helper of the fatherlessPsalm 10:14
High Priest forever after order of MelchizedekHebrews 6:20
His anointedPsalm 20:6
His dear SonColossians 1:13, Ephesians 1:6
His Son from heaven1 Thessalonians 1:10
His Spirit that dwells in youRomans 8:11
His unspeakable gift2 Corinthians 9:15
Holy GhostLuke 2:26, 3:22, Acts 2:4
Holy One of IsraelIsaiah 30:15, 54:5
Holy SpiritActs 10
Holy Spirit of promiseJoel 2:28-29
Hope of IsraelActs 28:20
Hope of Israel, Savior thereof in times of troubleJeremiah 14:8
Horn of my salvation2 Samuel 22:3, Psalm 18:2
House of defensePsalm 31:2
I AM Mark 14:62
I AM THAT I AMExodus 3:14
I that speak in righteousness, mighty to saveIsaiah 63:1
Image of the invisible GodColossians 1:15
ImmanuelMatthew 1:23, Isaiah 7:14
JealousNahum 1:2
JehovahIsaiah 26:4, 12:2
Jesus Christ the righteousI John 2:1
Jesus of NazarethJohn 18:5, Acts 2:22
Jesus mediator of the new covenantHebrews 8:6, 9:15,12:24
Jesus Son of God most highMark 5:7
Jesus delivers us from the wrath to come1 Thessalonians 1:10
Judge of all the earthGenesis 18:25
Judge of the living and the deadActs 10:42
King forever and everPsalm 10:16