Did you know that human beings have between 50,000-70,000 thoughts per day? Currently there are almost a billion of us on earth right now. If you do the math - not my strong suit - it comes to approximately 70,000,000,000,000 human thoughts that are being processed daily on this little ball of dirt.
How many of those thoughts are fearful, worried, curious, harsh, or critical? How many are kind, peaceful, joyful, and loving? What percentages of earthlings are thinking about murder, lust, and violence? Who is processing jealousy, comparison, or loneliness? Perhaps memorization of a formula is taking place, or a math computation, or learning a new skill. The possibilities are seemingly endless to think about what we might be thinking about.
Since this saying is true: “Where you look, you will go.” I wonder if it is also true that my thoughts also lead me in a particular direction. If I am thinking about failure, can that cause me to fail? If I am thinking about goodness, will that lead me to doing good actions?
The Bible has a lot to say about our thoughts. The book of Philippians tells us to think about things that are TRUE and NOBLE and PURE and LOVELY. We are encouraged to think about things that are PRAISEWORTHY, GOOD REPORTS, and VIRTUOUS – to name a few. Another scripture tells us that as we think in our hearts so are we. Another way to say that is: “You are what you think.”
Here’s an amazing thought: God knows every thought of every single human being! Wow! He actually keeps track of not only the quantity of human thoughts, but the quality as well. That of course is in addition to everything else that He keeps track of. How limitless must His thinking be! I don’t know about you, but that give me pause…
I encourage you to read Psalm 139 in various translations. And think about this:
“How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them! If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand.”