‘Tis the season when we are turning our awareness to the birth of Christ the King. I decided to read through the Gospel of Luke in the month of December. There are 24 chapters – just the perfect number to read one per day until Christmas Day. As I have been contemplating the first arrival of Christ, it is obvious that His mission was to bring His Kingdom with Him. Throughout the discourse of His teachings in Luke, He “drops” keys to the Kingdom for us to discover. I am presenting a list of some I have found in the scriptures – not in any particular order.
I hope that you find comfort, wisdom, and inspiration as you meditate on the following:
*Surrendering to who HE says I am is the key to victory in life.
*Identity empowers me in authority.
* Grace is a steady current of supernatural power.
* Everything hangs on prayer and the Word by the action of the Holy Spirit.
*Jesus our HORN of salvation is the force used to push and scatter enemies, and is a symbol of the Lord’s multifaceted powers.
* Praise is the antidote to pity.
* Sin against love is the worst sin.
*The Word and worship are the keys to building faith.
* My words have great power, can travel at great speed, and can affect great change – be wise in how I use them.
*When praying, wait for God to take ahold of it and produce life from it.
* To abide with God, I must become more like Him. He will visit anywhere, but only abide in certain places.
* The closer I get to God, the more joy there is available. Ps 16
* What I focus on is what I make room for.
* God always interrupts darkness with light.
* Waiting on God may have a delay, but never a disappointment.
* Worship is the way to host the Presence of God.
* The highest level of power and maturity is obtained by utter dependence upon the Almighty.
* The strategy for eliminating all fear is to magnify the Lord – enlarge Him in my view.
* I activate what I can see – Quantum physics.
* The cross provides legal righteousness and relational repair – desire both.
* Heed the stewardship of thy mouth for victory in life.
* Warnings that are not undergirded with hope are not God.
* Prioritize my life on earth according to the will of God in heaven.
* Sin is serious because it violates a treasured relationship.
* We activate what we magnify – it becomes our reality.
* We go THROUGH all things IN Christ because He went THROUGH birth, death, resurrection, and ascension to the throne in our place to create a KINGDOM PLACE in Him.
*The love of God is unconditional, but reverence and obedience are requirements for receiving the blessings of God.
* The Kingdom of God in us replaces the world’s OS, and uses an entirely new operating system.
* In the Kingdom of God, decrees are designed by what God says – not circumstances.
* God owns the past, and to me it is legally inaccessible because the Blood covers it.
* Praying in the Spirit keeps us in the love of God. Jude 20-21
* We serve Jesus under life and not under law.
* Because we are in Christ, all the promises of the Kingdom are deeded to us.
Blessed Christmas to you and a New Year full of Kingdom opportunities!