Do you remember what the greatest gift was that you ever received? Was it a car, a new dress, a sailboat, or a diamond ring? What ever it was, what made it the greatest? Was it because of the value of the gift? Perhaps it was the way it made you feel when you received it – loved, appreciated, cherished. Or, maybe it was something you desperately needed that came at the right time.
I’ve been thinking about a gift that has been given to me by my Creator. It is “the gift to choose” – otherwise known as free will or personal sovereignty. This may not sound glamorous, but hear me out. Maybe this came up in my thinking because we are in an election year and there are lots of choices in front of us. (Don’t panic – I’m not going to get “political” on you!)
Here’s the thing about choice. Choices are only made in the present. They become inextricably attached to the past, and they affect the future one way or the other. Sometimes we make excellent choices, and other times not. The choices that we make often affect the lives of other people – for good or bad. Along with this freedom comes a lot of responsibility.
I have two chapters in my book on Amazon (AT THE SOUND OF HIS VOICE) that deal with freedom and free will. However, I’d like to quote an excerpt on the chapter devoted to time:
“Only the present is eternal for you because that is where I am. The past is gone and can never be re-lived (although it can be redeemed.) The future has not presented itself yet (although it can be prepared for). Live in the present. What you have done yesterday can influence your life, but your relationship with Me is in the present only. You cannot depend upon the successes of yesterday or the intentions of tomorrow when it comes to your response to Me. I am a NOW God – I live in eternity, which is always in the present. I am not talking about time – I am talking about the quality of being PRESENT in the now as though it counted for everything.”
Time to reveal your secret power – the choice to forgive. Our Creator freely GAVE us His forgiveness. For all people and all time, He offers this tremendous gift to us. The only thing He asks of us is to forgive as we have been forgiven. The power of being forgiven allows us to be free to forgive others. If we choose not to forgive, then we forfeit the ability to walk free. We become imprisoned in the poison of bitterness, resentment, anger, destroyed relationships – all of which can affect our mental and physical health. And, it is important to ask others to forgive us if we have made a choice that adversely affected them.
So now, in the present, when choices are made that can release us from the past hurts and prevent us from future problems, let us exercise our secret "super" power. Let us receive and give forgiveness, and be truly free!